a month later
Interested! Based in the center of the Netherlands :)
•Terrain flat
•Altitude low
    Points: 1
    a month later
    4 months later
    3 months later

    I'm down to run a radio doge hub/node

    Urban location: San Antonio,TX
    Flat city terrain
    650 ft elevation above sealevel

    4 days later

    It would have to be considered with the use in the greatest possible need

      Points: 1
      a month later

      michi can we assume 915MHz is going to be pretty standard for RadioDoge in the USA? I'm looking at getting 2x LoRa32's and one 12dbi antenna to learn with while I'm in the Midwest for awhile- I'll probably install one in a more permanent fashion when I'm back in the Pacific Northwest.

      I also have a 3D printer at my disposal if you come across antenna ideas.

      I'm thinking if I can get a couple LoRa32 modules running RadioDoge (in the right manner with "correct" frequency), I wouldn't be opposed to reselling some prepared modules at cost+s/h for folks in the States (will ask for optional tips, don't get me wrong!). I have a spare RPi4 atm, and I'm guessing the DogeBox will also eventually be well-equipped to run RadioDoge LoRa32 modules, yes?

      I will be ordering parts sometime early December- I've decided I want to do my part. As a normie tinkerer, this should help the Foundation gauge a bit more data at least.

      25 days later

      Interested in setting up a hub/node.
      Urban or rural location? two of them, one rural , one urban
      Terrain (flat, hilly, forested, etc.)? one hilly and one flat
      Altitude (high or low)? one high and one low

      a month later

      michilumin i am interested in setting up a hub in Northeast PA. Is this something that would be of value to the infrastructure?