Not sure what you mean exactly so I'm gonna just make blanket statements that might seem a bit mansplainy, so forgive me. $2000 a month is being a bit generous, but it's pretty much the high end of what you'd possibly see coming out of that machine. Note, it is HUNGRY for energy, like any mining rig, it will send your electricity bill through the roof, so calculate that.
Sustainability? Let's be honest, any ASIC is essentially not sustainable. At the end of its life (which could be any day with crypto mining), it is completely useless and is now a bunch of very expensive very resource intensive silicon processors that are now e-waste. Sustainability energy-wise? Check your local energy grid, see where it's getting its energy from. if you're lucky enough to be mostly renewables, good for you. if not, well that's that. technically it might be sustainable if your government has an effective crediting system (not likely) or if your energy provider is able to source renewable energy (which is also somewhat questionable). only way to be certain would be to build a solar power system, which would have its own ROI attached.
It's up to you in the end. Mining is a risky business. Difficulties change over time, while you might be able to mine 1000 doge a week this month, you might be mining 1000 doge a month the next. But of course there is also risk vs reward associated with difficulties, the value of the currencies, etc. Understand the risks, understand the ROI, and make your best judgement.
Damn, thanks for coming to my TED talk, this is gonna look real embarassing if I've misinterpreted what on earth you're asking about, was fun to write anyway, and maybe I'll invoke Cunningham's Law and learn something along the way~