Please consider checking out my project and donating, I have poured my heart and life force energy into all of the plotting and design and now back end that makes the dream doable..
if you believe in crypto and doge help the dream come true! 💛❤️🔥
here is my recent achievement of decoupling the editor and assets from the engine and controlling them from a middleware server 🙂
Here you have a successful transaction with doge being made to my native in-game wallet 🙂
The native currency in the game is dogecoin and I have also created a type of object and material within the game that also have default dogecoin values which can be set globally by catalogue or database if needed to control balance with constant volatility.
Here is a quick draft I did when first starting giving a rundown on the economy

There will be no 'other crypto' it will just be natively, dogecoin, as it should always be! 🙂
This can all be done on traditional frameworks and platform so we would not need to try and re-invent the wheel with web3 because doing so would corrupt the whole purpose of being natively doge imo..
Long live the players, long live the doge!