Hey all!
We have ported the wonderful blockstream electrs full history API to work with dogecoin.
You can find the GitHub here, and we welcome any contributions from the community!
If you just want to play around with the API, you can checkout this typescript wrapper
We are also hosting a mainnet block explorer + API (currently not ratelimited, please don't smash it to hard ;P):
Please spin up your own node if you can! If we see repeated abuse/spamming of our API will will have to add an API key requirement + rate limiting.
Example API Usage:
Get Recent Transactions for an address:
Get Address Balance (Both confirmed and in mempool, useful for wallets):
Submit a transaction (without exposing your dogecoin rpc server 🎉):
curl 'https://doge-electrs-demo.qed.me/tx' --data-raw '<raw transaction hex>'
Get fee estimates for your transaction to be included in the next 1-25 blocks
If anyone has any issues spinning up a node, feel free to post here or hit me up on twitter (@cmpeq).