If you want to run a GigaWallet Server "ALL-IN-ONE" to be able to use on your own project, using a Docker Container just follow this:
Step 1: Install Docker
Step 2: Install Dogecoin Core Docker Container
docker pull dogeorg/dogecoin-node:ubuntu
Step 3: Run the Dogecoin Core Node Server
docker run --name dogecoin-node --network host -e uacomment="GigaWallet" -e rpcuser=gigawallet -e rpcpassword=gigawallet -e rpcport=22555 -e rpcallowip= -d -p 22555:22555 -p 22556:22556 -p 28332:28332 dogeorg/dogecoin-node:ubuntu
Step 4: Install a PostgreSQL 15 Server
docker pull postgres:15
Step 5: Run the PostgreSQL 15 Server
docker run --name postgres-container --network host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=gigawallet -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:15
Step 6: Create a Database on the PostgreSQL 15 Server
docker exec -it postgres-container createdb -U postgres gigawallet
Step 7: Install GigaWallet
docker pull dogeorg/gigawallet:latest
Step 8: Create a gigaconf.toml file on the root directory and add the configuration below
adminbind = "localhost" # avoids macOS firewall confirmation!
adminport = "8081"
pubbind = "localhost" # avoids macOS firewall confirmation!
pubport = "8082"
pubapirooturl = "http://localhost:8082"
DBFile = "postgres://postgres:gigawallet@localhost/gigawallet?sslmode=disable"
network = "mainnet" # which dogecoind to connect to
host = "localhost"
zmqport = 28332
rpchost = "localhost"
rpcport = 44555
rpcpass = "pass"
rpcuser = "user"
host = "localhost"
zmqport = 28332
rpchost = "localhost"
rpcport = 22555
rpcpass = "gigawallet"
rpcuser = "gigawallet"
path = "./events.log"
types = ["ALL"]
Step 9: Run the GigaWallet Server
docker run --name gigawallet --mount type=bind,source=/gigadocker/gigaconf.toml,target=/gigawallet/gigaconf.toml --network host -e GIGA_ENV=gigaconf -e admin_port=8081 -e pub_port=8082 -e store_db_file="postgres://postgres:gigawallet@localhost/gigawallet?sslmode=disable" -d -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 dogeorg/gigawallet:latest
More information here: https://hub.docker.com/r/dogeorg/gigawallet